Editorial and Advisory Boards confirmed
Following many months of preparations, we are excited to announce a major change in how we run Poetics before Modernity!
The project will now be convened by a six-member Editorial Board, with Vladimir Brljak (Durham) and Micha Lazarus (Warburg) as General Editors, and Baukje van den Berg (CEU, Vienna), Elsa Bouchard (Montreal), Bryan Brazeau (Warwick), and Andrew Kraebel (Trinity) as Editors. In addition, we will be supported by an extensive Advisory Board featuring some of the leading scholars on early literary thought, including some old and many new friends of the project. Gavin Alexander (Cambridge), Jan Bloemendal (Huygens Institute), Rita Copeland (Penn), Anders Cullhed (Stockholm), Pierre Destrée (Institut supérieur de philosophie, Louvain), Kathy Eden (Columbia), Stephen Halliwell (St Andrews), Lara Harb (Princeton), Philip Hardie (Cambridge), Bernhard Huss, (Freie U Berlin), Ian Johnson (St Andrews), Casper de Jonge (Leiden), Pauline LeVen (Yale), Martin McLaughlin (Oxford), Alastair Minnis (Yale), Glenn W. Most (Chicago/MPIWG, Berlin), Stratis Papaioannou (Crete), Aglae Pizzone (Southern Denmark), Filippomaria Pontani (Ca’ Foscari), James Porter (Berkeley), Panagiotis Roilos (Harvard), Elizabeth Scott-Baumann (KCL), Peter T. Struck (Penn), María José Vega Ramos ( Autònoma Barcelona), and Jan Ziolkowski (Harvard).
Further details are available here. We are honoured to take the project into the new year in such distinguished company, and to see it grow truly international in scope, with members at institutions in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States!